JJRon's (DIY)
Tacticool Page
Select Fire, First Strike Ready ATS AT85
Project Date 8/12/2011
Ever wanted a sniper looking version of your ATS, something you can take to big scenario games? I wanted something unique and awesome looking like Rusty’s TSG-1. I also wanted to take advantage of Tiberius Arms’ First Strike Rounds. So I did it. After almost two years, I have a unique paintball gun that not only looks cool but scary intimidating. The mod is only for the upper half and the stock. Everything is left untouched.

ATS AT85 - Designed by Brian Sullivan, around 1995. Originally sold by Tagline and later by Advanced Tactical Systems (ATS).
Action: Safe, Semi, Full Auto
Valve Style: Nelson Closed Bolt
Caliber: .68
Feed Type: Chain Drive Magazine
Magazine Capacity: 25 Rounds
Notes: Why I chose this marker as my primary DMR: The velocity is as consistent as a phantom pump but in select fire platform using a magazine.

Parts and Tools Required:
1. Dremel tool
2. AT- 85 upper
3. ATS threaded 23 inch barrel - since ATS went out of business, it's a rare item now.
4. G3 clone Airsoft body – working or not. I scoured through airsoft graveyards and broken parts areas. Craigslist and Ebay are also a good spot to find good bodies.

5. The following adhesives that I used.

PART 1: Receiver Mod
Take the Airsoft G3 or clone and gut it. All you need is the external shell. The airsoft rifle came apart like a clam shell.

Take the airsoft shell and using a dremel tool, cut the airsoft shell to snugly fit over the ATS upper receiver.

Take the external shell and epoxy over the ATS body. Epoxy one side at time and once dry, epoxy the other side. I used electrical tape to temporally hold it together. Surprisingly, the airsoft shell is a perfect fit to the external skin of the ATS. I sanded the inside of the shell to promote adhesion. I used the original screw from the airsoft gun to help keep the clamshell body together while the epoxy dried.

I used epoxy to hold the airsoft charging tube over the ATS front shroud. Once dried, I used JB Weld to fill any holds the epoxy didn’t cover.
I drilled the top and side of the airsoft body matching the original screw holes so that I could use the original mounting screws of ATS AT85.

Once all the adhesives are cured and all the screws in place, you get this: multiple platforms for multiple missions using one main lower receiver.
Part 2: Bolt First Strike Conversion

First strike conversion involves modifying 3 things: the bolt, the bolt Sleeve and the magazine.
I used a pvc fitting from Home Depot. Using a dremel, I grinded it to form a "hat" over the bolt seal.


Bolt Sleeve:
Grinded the breech hole to form a "D" to enable the skirt of the first strike round to fit.
Part 3: Magazine

I called Tiberius Arms and ordered the red First Strike Springs and magazine followers. I cut the side of the ATS magazine to make it fit.
You are done!